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South Africa: NATO's misuse the UN resolution on Libya

Nato abuse the United Nations resolution to protect the citizens of Libya Muammar Gaddafi of troops to pursue the change of power and political killings, said South African President Jacob Zuma on Tuesday. "We oppose the misuse of good intention in Resolution 1973," Zuma said in a budget speech in parliament. "We strongly believe that the resolution be misused for the change of power, political assassinations and occupation of foreign troops," he said. 

African Union Chairman Teodoro Obiang Nguema condemned the intervention of foreign troops in Ivory Coast and Libya, saying that Africa should be allowed to manage his affairs. 

"Africa does not need outside influences. Africa must manage its own affairs," said Obiang Nguema, who is also president of Equatorial Guinea, the international conference in Geneva in early April. "I believe that the problem in Libya should be resolved within the framework of domestic and not through the intervention, which may appear to resemble human intervention. We have seen it in Iraq," said Obiang Nguema. 

Russia last week warned that the efforts of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Libya to turn into ground motion after helicopter gunships used for the first time against supporting troops Moamar leader Gaddafi. 

"When the UN resolution is taken, we think that it is a good resolution in a manner to prevent and stop the sacrifice of citizens, including the closure of the Libyan airspace," said Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov on security event in Singapore. 

"But, first, we do not agree that closing the airspace means ... now using helicopter gunships on ground targets, which in my view that recent, but one step before the land movement," he said. "Of course we do not interpret it as supporting the resolution," he said referring to the resolutions of the United Nations, which is widely interpreted by the North Atlantic defense alliance NATO. NATO deployed helicopter gunships against the British and French troops Gaddafi on Saturday as part of efforts to protect citizens in accordance with the resolution, which prohibits the use of ground troops. 

Russia by the end the bombing of Tripoli in May called "early crisis' of the United Nations resolution on Libya, which could increase the violence and cause more suffering. "We definitely see other serious violations of Resolution 1970 and 1973 the Security Council of the United Nations," said Russian foreign ministry statement. 

Russia claimed the Western effort to justify the attack by pointing out the threat to citizens by the ruling denying the danger that Moamar Gaddafi's Tripoli government became even more "insistent" in his demeanor. "Air strikes do not stop the clashes between the Libyan army and only create more suffering among peaceful citizens," said foreign ministry. 

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin at the end of March a resolution condemning the United Nations, which allows military action in Libya as "the appeal of the crusade in the Middle Ages" and criticized Washington for its readiness to show off the power. In one of the most loud statement against the West in recent years, the real number one in Russia that says there is no reason or conscience on the army action.
